Nobody Knows More About Contempt Than I Do, Enoch Burke Tells Court

Nobody Knows More About Contempt Than I Do, Enoch Burke Tells Court

Mayo’s bible bashing, ‘young fogey’ Enoch Burke told Justice Conor Dignam today that he knows more about contempt of court than anyone and therefore – “Ad hoc, alter ego” – would not comply with an injunction.

However, he said – “Ipso facto, leviticus, fulcrum” – the court had done his pride ‘irreparable harm’ and as a result, he had no option but to let his mother off the leash. Otherwise, she’d only chew through it.

Burke pointed out that he had used the bible to study law for over ten years and now – “Sine qua non” – was fully ‘Buongiorno’ with respect to the governance of menstruating women and the treatment of slaves.

Mrs Burke then screamed “We have ye now, ye Pharisee bastards” and bit a sergeant’s leg before being carried out, kicking and screaming about ‘the third secret’.

In summary, the judge said, “You want everyone else to obey the kind of court order you yourself, refuse to obey. Is that right?

Burke, pointing to an empty seat in the public gallery, answered “As God is my witness”. When asked if that was a statement of his religious beliefs, he replied “No, he’s actually sitting over there and I want to call him as my sole witness.”

Judge Dignam then told Burke that in many ways, his case was a sad one, in that what he really needed was a good ride but statistically, there was little chance of him getting one.