Student Joins Poetry Society After ‘Falling In With The Wrong Crowd’

Student Joins Poetry Society After ‘Falling In With The Wrong Crowd’

“NUIG have told me I must accept he’ll probably never become a productive member of society,” the boy’s mother sobbed, after learning her only son had joined the university’s Poetry Society.

Mrs Maureen McCormack said that when he left Bohola, County Mayo, to begin a commerce degree, her 18 year old son Seamus had been confident, outgoing and optimistic about life.

But “overnight, his personality changed and he became withdrawn and moody”. A short time later, she said, “he developed notions about himself'”.

Who is Michael Hartnet?” she wailed, as CatMelodeonNews made notes in the kitchen of the family’s modest, three bedroomed, ‘hacienda’ bungalow, on the edge of the village.

A spokesman for Mayo County Council said they no longer stage interventions, “after that whole Durcan mess”.

“Basically,” he said, “it’s no use unless Seamus himself, wants to quit.”

The Poetry Society ignored a request for comment but a statement posted on its website later said, “We’re a Deaf Poets Society, so don’t hold your breath”.