My Suckers’ Day Promise To You All, I Will Make America Pay Again – Trump

My Suckers’ Day Promise To You All, I Will Make America Pay Again – Trump

Donald Trump posted a Suckers’ Day tribute to those who fought for their country yesterday and also pledged to ‘Make America Pay Again’.

“These are men and women who could easily have gotten a bone spur deferment but, for some reason, chose not to? We may never be able to understand why but still we thank them for their sacrifice. Which, like I said, will never be forgotten or properly explained. It’s really something?”

“Today, I also pledge to you that I will not stop until my family and I are paid back every last cent of the fortune we’d have made if I’d been in office for the last three years. I solemnly make this promise to you, here and now: I will Make America Pay Again!”

The former president additionally announced a ‘crackdown on election cheating’ by introducing an amnesty on election cheating. “Because everyone knows the quickest way to get it done, is just to write it all off?”

In a later ‘Terms and Conditions apply’ post, Trump added, “Democracy will be suspended, the FBI privatised and the justice system politicised”.