Patriarchy Objects To Stereotyping By Women Who Should Be At Home Rearing Their Children

Patriarchy Objects To Stereotyping By Women Who Should Be At Home Rearing Their Children

It never ceases to amaze us,” the patriarchy observed today, “how people who really should know better, somehow still have time to criticize those who clearly know best? While simultaneously complaining they ‘never have a bloody minute to themselves’.”

“There is no credible evidence whatsoever”, the statement continued, “either in the past or the present of a fully matriarchal society. And none in particular to suggest it would be as good as, never mind any better than, a patriarchal one.”

In the meantime,” the statement concluded, “perhaps we should all remember that as your mother used to say, ‘Children are the future. And shouldn’t you be at home minding yours?'”

The National Organization for Women Who Aren’t Taking This Shit Anymore, later issued a statement saying, “In a not entirely unpredictable development, our opposition appears to have turned up to this particular battle of wits, entirely unarmed”.