Pence Says He’s In The Race To Win While Fully Supporting The Trump Campaign

Pence Says He’s In The Race To Win While Fully Supporting The Trump Campaign

“Make no mistake, I’m in this thing to win,” former vice president Mike Pence said today, “and that’s why I fully support Donald Trump”. Pence explained that while he has at times criticised him, he will always back him. When asked if a criminal conviction should bar Trump from becoming president, Pence assumed a painful expression which onlookers likened to a sudden attack of ‘trapped wind’. Notably grimacing, Pence said “Let’s maintain a presumption of innocence?”

Pence later released a statement saying “I could never support what he did but he’ll always have my support”.

Campaign manager Stephen DeMaura subsequently pointed out that Pence is currently trapped at 4% in the polls “Because half his prayer group is on holidays at this time of year, otherwise he’d easily be bubbling up around 5 or 6%”.