Police Break Up Fight Between Eight Women All Claiming To Be Breaking The Taboo About The Menopause

Police Break Up Fight Between Eight Women All Claiming To Be Breaking The Taboo About The Menopause

Police broke up a brawl outside a radio station today between eight women claiming to be “breaking the taboo around talking about the menopause”. The women were all promoting novels about/memoirs of/guides to the menopause which detailed their struggles to break down ‘the wall of silence’ surrounding the topic.

Somehow the women had all been booked for the same talk show and fighting broke out in the lobby when they all arrived at roughly the same time to promote their books. Shortly after, the row spilled out onto the street where a bystander said he saw one woman punch another and shout, “Walls divide us!”

After bailing his wife out, her husband said, “All I know about the menopause is what nobody, least of all my wife, told me.”

Another said, “How exactly have men ‘stopped women talking about it’. Men have never been able to stop women talking about anything, full stop.”