Presidential Candidate Redefines The Concept Of ‘A Senior Moment’

Presidential Candidate Redefines The Concept Of ‘A Senior Moment’

Donald Trump today insisted he’s “definitely not too old to be president”, after an Iowa rally in which he appeared to have yet another extremely ‘senior moment’.

The man who would ‘rather be electrocuted than eaten by a shark’, baffled supporters and opponents alike on Friday with the claim that he could ‘end magnets’ by dropping a glass of water on them. Trump’s ‘retirement home ramblings’ have been of real concern for quite some time now and are beginning to be seen as of an altogether different degree to President Biden’s occasional gentle stumbles.

Many online viewers were quick to point out that magnets do not cease to function when submerged in water and President Biden suggested an upside to this.

“If he falls into the water but has a big enough magnet with him, it’ll still work and it might even deter the shark from eating him?”