Rapinoe To Trump: We Don’t Fail When We’ve Lost, We Only Fail When We Can’t Accept We’ve Lost

Rapinoe To Trump: We Don’t Fail When We’ve Lost, We Only Fail When We Can’t Accept We’ve Lost

“Nobody likes a bad loser,” Megan Rapinoe said today, “so when you lose, it’s really important to act like a grown up and not a baby?” The outspoken, iconic soccer star was addressing a kindergarten class, on how to be a good sport.

“Everyone knows you can’t win every single time? Or even most of the time. And only a cry baby can’t accept losing? Because when we lose, we learn too. And if we’re lucky, we can learn enough to win. But we can’t learn, if we can’t accept that we lost. Isn’t that right children?”

“Yess Miss Wapinoe,” the children chorused, except for five year old Amy Eastman who said “My mommy says Donnal Trumm is a big cwy baby!”.