Scientists Reconstruct Pink Floyd’s ‘Another Brick In The Wall Of Russian Propaganda’, By Eavesdropping On People’s Brainwaves

Scientists Reconstruct Pink Floyd’s ‘Another Brick In The Wall Of Russian Propaganda’, By Eavesdropping On People’s Brainwaves

Scientists have made a major breakthrough in reconstructing a pro-Putin propaganda speech, from recordings of electrical brain activity.

The team analysed brain recordings from 29 patients as they were played a three-minute segment of Pink Floyd singer Roger Waters address to the UN security council in February, praising Putin’s rule.

Afterwards, a Ukrainian diplomat called the speech, “another brick in the wall of Russian propaganda”.

In it, Waters described Putin as ‘making decisions on the grounds of consensus in the Russian Federation’.

“Something,” another Ukrainian diplomat wryly noted, “nobody has ever accused him of before.”