Taxi Driver In Court Over ‘Wee Wee Tax’

Taxi Driver In Court Over ‘Wee Wee Tax’

Castlebar taxi driver Mick Turey has denied trying to charge elderly ladies a “wee wee tax”, in the run up to the Christmas festivities. 

Turey was accused of adding €1.50 to a fare, on the grounds that “this time a year, people pour sherry inta ould wans the way Cement Roadstone pour concrete”. 

When she queried the extra charge, Turey told retired national school teacher Mary Flannery, “‘You can’t be too careful this time a year missis”. 

Asked to explain what that meant, he replied, “No offence like, but it can take a driver weeks to get a smell like that outta the car”. 

Turey had then told her ‘a cock and bull story’ about an old lady who was ‘caught short’ in the back of his car, a week earlier. 

Asked by Justice Mary Devins if he remembered being fined for urinating in a public place two years ago, he replied “That’s all very well but you can’t take a powerhose to the inside of a cab the way you made me take one to the Famine monument.” 

Turey told the court that incident led to him being known locally as ‘micturate’.

He was ordered to undergo psychiatric assessment by the court before sentencing. 

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