Taxi Driver Now Primarily Focused On His Legacy

Taxi Driver Now Primarily Focused On His Legacy

Melancholy taxi driver Alfonse ‘Fonsie’ Madigan today told an Italian tourist that lately, his mind had begun to dwell on what his legacy would be. “I’ve reached that stage in life,” he explained over his left shoulder, “where, from here on in, I’m primarily focused on me legacy?”

“Taxi driver for 25 years,” he said, “Social Secretary of the local resident’s association for five years, elected unopposed four times, greyhound owner and trainer and Manchester Football Supporters Club member all me life…”

As Madigan trailed off, his passenger sat forward. “Scuzi, Mey-ree-own Squire?” Lorenzo Bernini inquired, pointing at Merrion Square on a street map of Dublin.

“Fair enough,” Madigan replied, “not interested. Juventus? Del Piero?

“Si, si,” Bernini replied, smiling broadly, “prima classe!”

“Well I need a bit of that,” Madigan sighed, It’s called legacy?”