Telegraph Columnist Who Had No Problem With Ireland Giving Queen Ecstatic Reception, Outraged It Gave Biden One

Telegraph Columnist Who Had No Problem With Ireland Giving Queen Ecstatic Reception, Outraged It Gave Biden One

It’s all very well and good if the bloody Irish want to indulge in a bit of paddywhackery whenever British royalty’s in town, a Daily Telegraph columnist writes. But it’s quite another thing for them to be Darby O’Gill-ing away for all they’re worth for an American president! They’ve made a show of us by demonstrating they can roll out their top o’ the mornin’ circus for anyone when they know very well we’ve already specifically claimed only the Queen could provoke that kind of response. I myself wrote 800 words making that perfectly clear.

It’s almost like they’re laughing at us? How dare they treat us like we’re just another power block that will roll over to have its tummy tickled by a twinkly-eyed, diddley-idle charm offensive! It all goes to show just how much Joe Biden hates Britain. Sadly, King Charles on his first visit to northern Ireland appeared to find our next door neighbours utterly beguiling too. So much so that he appears to prefer the Wearing of The Green to the Sash My Father Wore! Need I say any more?

What really sticks in my throat is how easily the rest of the world is taken in by this peasant economy’s synthetic tsunami of blarney and malarkey. Well not the Daily Telegraph. For us, this is personal!