Texan Who Takes His Mobile Everywhere, Refuses To Be “Tracked By The Vaccine”

Texan Who Takes His Mobile Everywhere, Refuses To Be “Tracked By The Vaccine”

Texan roofing contractor Don Jordan pointed his mobile at a Covid-19 vaccine poster this morning and shouted “Hell if imma let Joe Biden track me everywhere I go by that thing – live free or die!”

The ‘monster truck’ fan then added “Damn well know what imma do if the needle Nazis ever come to my house’.”

“Those sumbitches knock on my door, they better be carryin’,” the Dallas man smirked, confirming that yes, he had been vaccinated against measles and smallpox by the state in his youth.

“But them Texan jabs didn’t have no 5G computer chips in ’em tracking my bidness where ever I go,” he winked, “y’all ain’t gonna catch me out that easy!”