Trump Files Complaint Against Harris For Being A Woman

Trump Files Complaint Against Harris For Being A Woman

“This is an attack on what our founding fathers, none of whom were women, intended when they drove out the French,” Donald Trump said today, as his campaign filed a complaint to the Federal Election Commission.

“It’s despicable,” he said, “after all I’ve done for women? Probably more than anyone else has ever done in the entire history of women.”

“They put a woman in charge of me once before, in a debate. I think she may have been Mexican? I just said ‘I hope you’re not a rapist’.”

He also objected to Harris being allowed use the word ‘president’ in her current job title.

“It’s so unfair she gets to call herself a vice–president when I’m only allowed call myself a former president.”

His running mate JD Vance agreed, saying, “It’s just plain wrong because vice is such a cool word to have in your title?”