Trump Says Biden Must Resign Immediately Over Taylor Swift’s Failure To Back Him

Trump Says Biden Must Resign Immediately Over Taylor Swift’s Failure To Back Him

Training indiscriminate fire on America yesterday, like an Israeli soldier supervising a Palestinian triage station, Donald Trump called on President Biden to resign and attacked the Super Bowl for not asking him to ‘throw in the ball’.

“If Biden had even a shred of decency, he’d resign. Everything about that Eras tour screams Democratic fundraiser.” The claim attracted little support from other republicans with some privately complaining about what they are calling ‘Trump-fatigue’.

During yet another rambling address to a rally, Trump also complained he’d “never once been asked to throw in the ball at the Super Bowl”. And accused the event, “along with ‘Nato and Hollywood” of being disloyal to him, “after all I’ve done for them”.

Even well known appeasers like the infamous glove-puppet Tucker Carlson, have struggled to keep up with the chaos. Carlson is said to have told friends the real reason he wanted to interview Vladimir Putin was, “I wanted to talk to the man who’s been a dictator since Day One? The man who will Make America Great Again”.