Trump Says Hannibal Lecter Was A Republican

Trump Says Hannibal Lecter Was A Republican

Donald Trump took aim at the DNC last night, claiming the fictional serial killer known as Hannibal Lecter was “a republican who would easily have won the Apprentice and made a great vice–president” while JD Vance nodded uncertainly by his side.

“It might not be a 100% true,” Vance later told reporters, “but what is, these days, so, deal with it.”

In an equally mystifying follow up, Trump later tweeted “And Lecter would never have gone on Oprah either no matter how much she begged him to”

Speaking off the record, a White House spokesman asked reporters “What did the fictional hannibal lecter have in common with Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Ed Gein, Charles Manson and David Berkowitz? Answer: They were all Republicans!