Truthteller Gonna Let One Slide

Truthteller Gonna Let One Slide

Keyboard warrior and self-styled ‘woman who asks the hard questions’ Caitlin Hickey whose real first name is Mary, decided earlier today to let one slide. Hickey’s obnoxious and unintentionally hilarious twitter bio makes a long list of unlikely claims, such as “| Freedom fighter | Enigma | Truthteller | Critical thinker | Pathfinder | Seriously funny | Influencer |”.

The 24 year old who spends an inordinate amount of time tweeting quotes she describes as ‘Wise Women’s words’, appends the hashtag #Truthteller to every one of them.

One recent example was Beyonce’s “As soon as I accomplish one thing, I just set a higher goal. That’s how I’ve gotten to where I am” #Truthteller. Although she admitted she was stung by the loud snort of laughter her mother greeted it with.

Another was Elie Wiesel’s “What hurts the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor but the silence of the bystander” #Truthteller.

But after her mother pointed out that the late Nobel laureate Wiesel – who was orphaned during the Holocaust, when he and his family were sent to Auschwitz – was actually a man, the “truthteller” was forced into an uncomfortable moment of reflection.

However, she subsequently decided that all things considered, she would probably let that one slide.

“Because like, how many people will even know someone called Elie is a man anyway?”