Unionist Outraged At Being Reminded NI Not British

Unionist Outraged At Being Reminded NI Not British

Queer-sneer peer Ken Maginnis was apoplectic today after being interrupted on Highland Radio, railing against the BBC’s ‘all Ireland’ news coverage.

The Kilclooney looney was sharply reminded by a radio interviewer that while he is indeed a subject of His Majesty King Charles III, he is not a British subject, as Northern Ireland has never been part of Britain.

The foaming homophobe immediately spluttered he would be contacting “His Majesty’s Prime Minister to immediately demand His Majesty’s parliament enact a bill to change the name of His Majesty’s Kingdom so as to make His Majesty’s Northern Irish subjects, British”.

But then the programme went so abruptly into an ad break for an RTE documentary on the Irish War of Independence (and the renaming of a huge chunk of His Majesty’s Kingdom), that he was somehow left feeling as if he’d scored an own goal.