What To Do When A Himalayan Salt Lamp Doesn’t Cure Your Depression

What To Do When A Himalayan Salt Lamp Doesn’t Cure Your Depression

Have you shelled out €30 for a Himalayan Salt Lamp recently? Or maybe just €20 for a red coral bracelet that “absorbs negative energy and protects from depression”? (Ha ha, sorry!)

Even if you only spent a tenner on some ‘calming crystals’, new research shows it doesn’t matter. 

One of the largest surveys ever conducted, has found that if any of these worked, you could just as easily have been ‘cured’ by eating another slice of toast. 

Because if you actually suffer from depression – as opposed to simply feeling a bit depressed – you’d have been as well off praying to the Great Brexit Unicorn in the sky. 

If it’s simply a case that your boss is a Himalayan sized turd, then there’s nothing in the online shop of wonders you can whistle through, wear on your head or chant while you dance around a well, that will cure that? 

So instead of wasting your money on ‘magic spells,’ why not do something practical instead? Like signing an online petition to outlaw quacks offering snake oil solutions that prey on the credulous?