Woman Beating Man At Something In Movie, As Unexpected As The Kid Who Has Cancer Being Elected Class President

Woman Beating Man At Something In Movie, As Unexpected As The Kid Who Has Cancer Being Elected Class President

“Wow,” Dave O’Malley said dryly last night, “I certainly didn’t expect that!

‘Architect’s wife & mother of two’ Iseult O’Malley, who is married to Dave, glared at him in return.

“Can you please not ruin it for me?

“How could I ruin that”, Dave said, levering himself upright, “it’s the biggest cliché there is on TV these days.”

Responding later to a call from the newsdesk, Dave explained they’d been watching a drama centred on the run up to the French revolution.

“Out of the blue, the outspoken, beautiful and thoroughly modern young heroine, delivers an implausibly prophetic warning about the likelihood of imminent revolution,” Dave said in a weary voice that implied he was quite unable to suspend his disbelief.

“She is not only wise beyond her years, kind to children, old people, strangers and animals but courageous too and yet the men she warns, scoff at her!”

“Next, in an era when one of the most popular pass times for men was to hunt with a gun, they all turn to clay pigeon shooting but somehow every single one of them misses, every single time they shoot? But not our implausibly beautiful and perfect cliché of a heroine. She never misses, not even once!”

Which was every bit as predictable, Dave pointed out, as all those people on American TV shows who only walk into the kitchen to announce they’re too busy to eat breakfast.