Woman’s Boss Has ‘A Flea Up His Hole’ This Morning

Woman’s Boss Has ‘A Flea Up His Hole’ This Morning

“He definitely has a major flea up his hole about something”, PA Mary Kinsella told a colleague this morning.

Kinsella was speaking to office database administrator Aileen Day-Woo about their temperamental boss who, both are confident, suffers from an acute case of Adult-Child Syndrome.

“A flea or a wasp?” Day-woo, who was in her car on her way to a training centre for a half day course, asked.

“I wish,” Kinsella sniggered before Day-woo said she hoped it wouldn’t “be like the fucking song and dance we had yesterday over the photocopier. Any idea what’s eating Lady Waa-Waa today?”

“I’m sure he’ll let us know before too long,” Mary replied, adding after a pause, “I suppose I’d better see if the ape needs coffee…’