“You Won’t Feel It Now Till The Races,” Galway Old Timer Says

“You Won’t Feel It Now Till The Races,” Galway Old Timer Says

Breaking a silence of approximately 3.5 days, pensioner Tony Connolly relieved himself of a classic Galway cliché, to the annoyance of ‘early drinker’ Thomas Joseph Guiney.

“Christ Tony, I thought you were fucking dead,” the Ramble Inn regular replied to the 65 year old, who appeared affronted Mr Guiney wasn’t taking his warning seriously enough.

“You won’t feel it,” the ‘adopted Galway man’ repeated irritably, “you won’t feel it now!”

Mr Guiney mimed banging his head off the counter before asking Tony if he’d ‘feel it’ if he bought him a pint.

A tense atmosphere developed, as Connolly whose initials had inevitably led to his being dubbed ‘Top Cat,’ stroked his beard but did not reply.

Eventually barman and proprietor Eamon Halligan, observed that “Mr Connolly will not take a drop of porter during Lent but might occasionally be prevailed upon to accept a small whiskey.” 

“Make it a large one,” TJ Guiney replied, “because Jesus Christ, Eamon, I can’t be listening ta that? He’ll be telling us next that rent is ‘dead money’.”