Apart From A Booming Economy What Has Joe Biden Ever Done For Us?

Apart From A Booming Economy What Has Joe Biden Ever Done For Us?

( With apologies to Python’s What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us? sketch )

Lower drug prices.


He gave us lower drug prices?

Oh. Yeah, yeah. He did give us lower drug prices. Uh, that’s true. Yeah.

14 million new jobs?

Yeah. All right. I’ll grant you lower drug prices and millions of new jobs are two things Biden has done for us.

A landmark $1.2tn infrastructure and climate bill, massive investment in domestic microchips production and green energy solutions?

Well, yeah. Obviously investment. I mean, investment goes without saying, doesn’t it? But apart from lower drug prices, millions of new jobs and massive investment, what’s he done for us?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average at an all-time high?

Yeah, yeah. All right. Fair enough.

Protecting and improving conditions for millions of contract workers?

All right, but! Apart from high wages, low unemployment, 14 million new jobs, lower drug prices, a landmark $1.2tn infrastructure and climate bill, massive investment in domestic microchips production and green energy solutions, the Dow Jones at an all-time high and protecting and improving conditions for millions of contract workers, What Has Biden Ever Done For Us?