Axis Of Evil Endorses Melania’s Mother’s Day Necklace

Axis Of Evil Endorses Melania’s Mother’s Day Necklace

The Axis of Evil has warmly endorsed Melania Trump’s new Mother’s Day necklace. The influential group’s support is expected to help ramp up sales, in the run up to May 12th. ( The Axis is currently made up of North Korea, China, Russia, Myanmar and anywhere that’s run by someone who insists on being called ‘the Supreme Leader’. )

The $245 pendant is made from silver that is ‘gold plated’ with three heart shaped petals featuring Melania’s signature on the back.

Vladimir Putin approvingly said, it’s “practically pure gold…leaf?” He also pointed out that the Saudi royal family, “who are widely renowned for their deep dislike of vulgarity and  ostentation”, have gushed over its “timeless elegance”. Mohammed Bin Salman himself, he noted, said there was “nothing remotely like it” in the royal treasury.

Speaking through an interpreter, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un admired the “rampant narcissism” of putting your own signature on someone else’s gift and said “It’s giving me ideas? I could have my name tattooed on every North Korean.”

Separately, the Guild of Torturers, Extortionists & Hatchet Men said, “Mothers of torturers, extortionists and hatchet men worldwide, will particularly appreciate the lack of choice implied by the presentation of a signed ugly, overpriced bauble like this”.

The Widows & Orphans Embezzlement Association is likely to follow the guild’s lead later today. “It’s such bad value and in such poor taste,” a spokesman said, “that it’s an inspiration for our members”.

Ramzan Kadyrov, the well known Chechen warlord and revered arbiter of good taste, also gave it his blessing. “My mother would weep for days if I gave her this? Last year I gave her a necklace made from the thumbs of her enemies and I only saw her wear it once. But this she’ll never take this off? She really loves her Haute Couture jewellery!”