FBI Authorized To Use Deadly Sarcasm During Trump Raid – Biden

FBI Authorized To Use Deadly Sarcasm During Trump Raid – Biden

Newly unsealed files from the F.B.I. search of Mar-a-Lago in 2022 show that agents were authorized to use ridicule and derision during the raid, whenever they felt it was necessary.

The files were released after Donald Trump falsely claimed President Biden had been prepared to kill him during the search for classified documents.

In the event, deadly sarcasm was only used once, as the team were gaining entry to the resort, when an agent criticised the tacky décor of the place.

The anonymous agent said, “I asked the housekeeper who answered the door, why the place looked like the a rundown Middle Eastern pole dancing club.”

“She immediately cracked up and screamed, ‘I know! I used to work in one, that’s where they hired me from’.”

In a late-night interview with the housekeeper, Fox’s Sean Hannity questioned the legality of the raid, saying the search team were informed the warrant was invalid.

“I told the agents he has total immunity,” the housekeeper said. “he hasn’t had a sniffle since he caught Covid?”