Biden: “The Polls Are Always Right, Just Ask Obama And Hillary?”

Biden: “The Polls Are Always Right, Just Ask Obama And Hillary?”

President Biden reminded Democratic voters today that “the polls have never been wrong, have they? They always perfectly predict the final results”. Mr Biden was speaking after a poll showed him trailing Donald Trump in five key states.

 “I remember when they predicted Obama and I were finished,” he laughed, “There wasn’t a paper in the country didn’t say we were done for…and we all know how that ended!”

“Back in 2016, the polls also said my good friend Hillary Clinton was a shoo–in? She can laugh about it now but you know who still can’t laugh? Republicans who were waiting for the midterms ‘red wave’, that’s who!”

The president finished by quoting Mark Twain’s reaction after his own obituary had appeared in a newspaper, “Predictions of my demise, have been greatly exaggerated.”