DeSantis Claims His Audience Smiles Same Weird Way He Does

DeSantis Claims His Audience Smiles Same Weird Way He Does

“I don’t get it,” Ron DeSantis said when told his creepy smile was still weirding people out, a full week after the first Republican primary debate in Milwaukee. Speaking off-the-record, aides confirmed that “at least half” the audience at any DeSantis rally, appears to be in pain too, while the Gov is speaking.

His unhinged laugh, his odd facial expressions and mannerisms, all have been turned into jokes and memes on social media. And The New York Times reported that the governor even had to be reminded to make eye contact and shake hands with the public.

“In Florida,” he was later overheard complaining. “folks say only a gator gotta bigger smile than Ron DeSantis.