Florida Principal Accused Of Showering Naked

Florida Principal Accused Of Showering Naked

Tallahassee school chairman Barney Bishop said today he threw up when he learned the school principal fired for exposing children to Michelangelo’s David, showers naked every single day. Bishop said “I got down on my knees to thank the Lord for saving us from the serpent hiding in our midst”

Hope Carrasquilla was told she could quit or be fired, after a parent complained about a “pornographic lesson” she gave to a class of 12 year olds. The children were shown an image of the iconic masterpiece created by the renowned Italian Renaissance artist in 1504.

A tearful Bishop later told the media he had “prayed for and forgiven Carrasquilla” and “urged her to welcome God into her life by wearing a shower robe, under which she can wash herself without shame in the eyes of the Lord!”