The Law Is An Ass (hole)

The Law Is An Ass (hole)

Life sometimes throws up a situation so absurd, it’s beyond satire. The world briefly ‘corpses’ and then moves on. But not today. On this day, an absurdity too great to satirise, was met with one so great, it may well have broken satire forever.

Today, those fun-loving anarchists at the Daily Mail who have long campaigned against the Human Rights Act, invoked the very same act as a reason not to name the journalists who bugged your phone.

Inconceivable as this scenario seems, however, it was easily topped by the High Court’s decision to accept the Daily Mail’s twisted logic. An unprecedented number of satirists are believed to have taken their own lives, as a result.

The rest of the trial promises to be an even greater banquet of gravity-defying arguments, such as “We categorically deny we bugged you? Even though we already admitted to the Leveson Inquiry that we bugged you. Therefore it would ‘morally wrong’ to use that against us.”