I Love Women Says Man Explaining Menopause To Wife’s Glassy–Eyed Best Friend

I Love Women Says Man Explaining Menopause To Wife’s Glassy–Eyed Best Friend

Gerry “I love women” McGrath earnestly lectured his wife’s best friend Tina Delaney about the menopause last night, while she patiently waited for him to get off her doorstep.

“What they’ve discovered,” he finally told the disbelieving maternity nurse and menopause practitioner, “is that essentially, it rewires the brain?”

“Are you busy in the garage these days, Gerry?”, she eventually managed to ask the mechanic, supressing a tremendous urge to knee him in the balls.

“Flat out, Tina”, he sighed, “flat out”.

She nodded and then took back the fabric sample book he was holding, as she said through the closing door, “I’ll give her a call?”