Source Of ‘Banging Noise’ Identified As Sub Owner’s Head Being Repeatedly Slammed Into Wall

Source Of ‘Banging Noise’ Identified As Sub Owner’s Head Being Repeatedly Slammed Into Wall

The US Coast Guard says the ‘banging noise’ an aircraft detected in deep water yesterday, is likely the sound of the sub owner’s head, being repeatedly bounced off its walls.

Rear Admiral John Mauger who is heading the search for the Titan, told CBS News that sonar buoys had analysed the acoustics and determined the head ‘almost certainly’ belonged to OceanGate founder and CEO, Stockton Rush.

“We believe it’s highly unlikely a vote had to be taken,” Dr Jamie Dingle, a reader in forensic geosciences at the Marine Institute said, “before the others chose to use his head to make noise, every half hour”.

Although warned about safety risks in advance by industry groups, Rush dismissed their concerns, complaining that “they have all these regulations”.