Man Wearing Mask Under Nose Blames Students For Spread Of Virus

Man Wearing Mask Under Nose Blames Students For Spread Of Virus

“Like, I don’t wanna wear a mask anymore than you do,” Martin ‘Gilly’ Gilligan said tonight, “but all our sacrifices is for nuthin’ if students isn’t quarantined?”

“If I wanted to go to some oul’ wan’s funeral”, the Donegal man added, “I wouldn’t be able ta, all because a them, hi?”

Sitting across from him, wearing a visor pushed back up over his head, Donal Griffin said students behaviour was ‘a feckin’ disgrace’.

Pointing up at the visor, he said, “Dee ya think I want ta wear this yoke? I’m only doin’ it cos we all need ta keep each other safe.”

Both agreed that students who refused to wear a mask or a visor – “like we done” – should automatically be fined €2,000.

Then the pair resumed playing poker in the tiny, windowless cloakroom of the Centra Store, they’d finished working in, fifty minutes earlier.