McCarthy Says “I Firmly Believe Capitol Protest Was Peaceful”, Jeffries Replies “Neither Do I”

McCarthy Says “I Firmly Believe Capitol Protest Was Peaceful”, Jeffries Replies “Neither Do I”

House speaker Kevin McCarthy today tweeted “I firmly believe the attack on Capitol Hill was just a peaceful protest that got out of hand”. Minority speaker Hakeem Jeffries responded by tweeting, “Neither do I, Kevin? Neither do I”.

McCarthy’s comments came after he was accused of having done a deal with Trump to become speaker by promising to have his two impeachment hearings expunged. He then tweeted “That means ‘erased’, Marjorie?” at the ‘Jewish space-lasers’ conspiracy theorist, Marjorie Taylor Greene.

In the days after the riot, McCarthy told Republicans in a private phone call that Donald Trump admitted to him that he shared some responsibility for the Capitol riot. But McCarthy now says he can’t recall the phone call.

McCarthy also repeated a claim he made about Trump four days ago, “I don’t see how he could be found criminally responsible”.

Jeffries replied by tweeting, “😉”