“Must You Ruin Everything!” Says Man Whose Wife Who Just Saved Him From Electrocuting Himself

“Must You Ruin Everything!” Says Man Whose Wife Who Just Saved Him From Electrocuting Himself

Hopelessly inept DIY fanatic Gerry Adams whose wife privately refers to him as a ‘Destroy It Yourself’ fanatic, was saved from accidentally killing himself earlier today. “Must you ruin everything!” he whined, just after she prevented him from flipping the trip switch on the fuse box of their suburban semi-d.

“Alright, alright,” he complained, as she explained that if she hadn’t intervened, she’d never have been able to get the smell of his fried carcass out of the kitchen. “At least I’m trying to do something,” he continued, “if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.”

“You’re definitely not part of the solution,” she muttered coldly.

“Oh is it time for the ‘list of disasters you’ve saved me from’ speech?” he inquired, coldly. “The time I was too drunk to drive and you made me switch places just before we came to the police checkpoint? The time I took too many laxative tablets but still wanted to go to the swimming pool?,” he shouted as she walked out of the room. “Never happy ’til she’s ruined everything!”, he said bitterly, as he resumed squinting at the faulty wiring.