Senate Sex Tape: At Last, New Content For MTG’s Committee Hearings

Senate Sex Tape: At Last, New Content For MTG’s Committee Hearings

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s staffers say she greeted news of a Democratic staffer sex tape controversy with screams of relief.

“She said she’d milked Hunter’s dick for every last drop of exposure she could get,” one revealed, “so the sex tape was an absolute Godsend! Not that she was implying God had anything to do with it? In fact she specifically said it was probably made while he was distracted destroying Gaza.”

Our MTG source said she “began playing with her nipples” when she heard the tape had been recorded in senate room Hart 216 where the 9/11 commission hearings were held. “Smearing that sacred space with Satan’s sperm,” she’s reputed to have moaned.

The video is thought to have been made by a staffer to Democratic Senator Ben Cardin who said he was “very disappointed” and that the staffer involved no longer works for him.

MTG’s staff said they were resigned to working on Christmas Day, “splicing this dreck into a million different clips to satisfy Marjorie’s dick fetish”.