Biden Jokes He’s Been Endorsed By Clarice Starling After Trump Claims Support Of Hannibal Lecter

Biden Jokes He’s Been Endorsed By Clarice Starling After Trump Claims Support Of Hannibal Lecter

President Biden upped the ante in the fictional character endorsements stakes last night, after Donald Trump erroneously claimed “Hannibal Lecter said on television ‘I love Donald Trump’.” While it’s assumed he was referring to Anthony Hopkins who played the cannibal in the 1991 film Silence of the Lambs, it’s not well known that Hopkins has only said of Trump that he ‘doesn’t care for him’ and didn’t vote for him.

In response, President Biden clearly enjoyed holding a late press conference to list some of the fictional characters who have recently endorsed his campaign. “We’ve got Clarice Starling? One of the FBI’s very finest. She said ‘Mr President, I’ve started waking up again in the middle of the night but I’m not worrying about the lambs, I’m worrying about Donald Trump’.”

“Then there’s Luke Skywalker who called to say ‘I’ll never turn to the dark side’ and of course, Travis Bickle. Travis wanted to emphasise that on election night, America will be able to say ‘Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk’.”

The White House later said the only fictional character truly likely to endorse Donald Trump, would be Forest Gump.